Plateforme d'Actions et de Formation en Éducation aux Médias pour Enfants




Another term widely used today is the Healthy Cities proposed by the WHO, understood as urban spaces that understand and monitor their areas of risk, as well as mapping what their potentials are, using for this a solid health system that can be based on new technologies. The implosion caused by the pandemic COVID-19 has made it clear that the health systems of today's biggest cities such as New York, Tokyo and São Paulo, only monitor basic health indicators, without a real preventive projection and anti-crisis preparation. Nor do they have information about the physical and psychosocial health of their citizens without which it is impossible to boost the economy (Ribeiro, 2020).

Chibás Ortiz, F.; Dias A. P. Fischer, R. (2020) MIL (Media and Information Literacy) University Cities: new metrics for education and urban health, In: MIC- Media, Information Communication, Number 33, 08.15.2020, ISSN: 231-755X, Available : citi/

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